Wednesday 16 February 2011

What Mole did next

Oi expects you've all been wondering what the UK's favourite mole has been up to for the last four weeks. Well, oi've been having adventures. Oi've been so busy, in fact that oi haven't had toime to use Googlemole to send moi news to Bobby so as he can update moi blog. Anyway, Oi can put that roight now, and Oi shall be bringing you up to date with my exciting and perilous goings on.

It started after we'd been back in Oxford for about a week. After oi'd put in some serious sleeping for a while, Oi started to get a bit bored with the same old surroundings. So one day, Oi stowed away in the Boy's back pack to check out where he goes every morning. It turned out, that after a short walk (with the boy's long legs anyroad) we went into a big building where everybody sits quietly and listens to some bloke talking about numbers. Since very few of them were "3", Oi got bored, and wondered off for an explore. Oi trundled down some stairs and was examining some oitems in a glass case when Oi turned around and came face to face with the biggest dinosaur Oi've ever met! Oi'd always assumed that they were all the size of Steg - not much bigger than Oi, and quite friendly. Well this 'un wasn't! He was huge and hungry looking, so Oi turned tail and ran for moi loife! (Oi'd just loike to point out that Oi weren't frightened - just being cautious).

When Oi finally stopped running, Oi found moiself in the middle of a large open space, all grass and trees. Very pleasant in it's own way, and ripe for digging, but the problem was, Oi didn't have a clue which way to get back to the Boy's college. What was to become of a poor Mole now?

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