Saturday 20 November 2010

A big babysitter

Well, Oi thought things would get easier as the baby shrews got bigger. You see, they grow very quickly and get through the stage of being helpless and crying all the while in no time. Unfortunately, Oi didn't realise that this means that they then need entertaining all the time. It's not dignifoied for a Mole to have a dozen shrews hanging on his paws all day, saying "What can I do now, Mr Mole" over and over again. Oi tried delivering my lecture on "Exploits of a Renaissance Mole - Wit and Wisdom in the 21st Century", but they just got bored. No pleasing some creatures. And it was illustrated by attractive pictures of great moles through the ages (all inpersonated by yours truly, of course).

In the end, there was only one thing for it - dump them on some other poor sap. The Toa didn't look too pleased with being pressed into service, but they were surpisingly patient, and the shrewbabes loved it!

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