Vladimir was very insistent that Oi went along to see his troupe perform, so Oi agreed to go with him. When we got to the "King George Bar" it wasn't a pub at all but a large room in a building that was full of electronic equipment. Vladimir put a tape in a machine and played some traditional Russian music. I must admit that he dances very well, and Oi clapped along with the music happily for a while. But the Oi got to thinking about a few things:
1. Where were all the other "Folk dancers? One bear doesn't make a troupe in my view. 2. Do you really need such a huge satellite dish "to get good reception on Radio 4"? and 3. Why were there so many photographs of secret installations pinned to the wall? Oi decided it was time to leave and as soon as Vladimir turned to find a new tape, Oi was off as fast as me little legs could take Oi.
Oi have decided that it's time to leave Oxford for a whoile. Fortunately, The Boy is going for the holidays, so I'm going to tag along for a bit. Oi'm not froightened you understand, it's just what us molers call "Discretion". See you next term!
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