Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The patter of tiny feet...

...hundreds of the bloighters! Oi discovered why there seemed to be more shrews than before. Apparently, shrews are very romantic creatures (can't say as Oi ever noticed afore) and being cooped up in the Boy's cupboard has given them little else to do. The result is that we now have a very large number of additional mouths to feed. I have got all moi work cut out just making cots and prams out of matchboxes for the little whatsits. You should see the size of the flame Oi got when Oi set fire to all they matches to get rid of them!

Oi just hope the Boy doesn't work out where all his hankies have gone, or why he's having to buy a lot of milk at the moment. It's no good, they're going to have to go. Oi'm told that they will "need amusing" as they get bigger. What do they think Oi am, a shrew entertainer??

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