Monday, 25 October 2010

The dawn of the OUSS!

Oi've had a brainwave! During moi toime down here in Oxford, Oi have observed that these students are slaves to fashion, always willing to follow the latest trend. Why just the other day, the boy went out with all his friends, and they was dressed oidentical, all in dark suits with white bow ties and strange gowny things.

Also, Oi have noticed that they are very addicted to joining clubs and societies - there's hardly an activity or interest that doesn't have a group dedicated to it. So, what Oi have decided to do is to combine the two - create a society, where the main entrance requirement is the possession of an item of small size, but great attraction, such as will create a new craze.

In short, Oi have founded the Oxford University Shrew Society! The first meeting is already scheduled, and Oi have selected some suitable robes of office, befitting the president and founder. Oi think you'll find them suitably tasteful and understated. My owner worry is whether "Dean of Shrews" or "Archchancellor of Rodentry" is the better title for moi office.
Once the Society becomes a success, as it surely will, everyone in Oxford will want to hire their own shrew and Oi shall become a millionaire. At least.

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